Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Photographic Trip to Kyiv 57 School

George W. Bush visited Kyiv 57 School
Teacher desk...hmmm a bit neater than mine!
11th Form girls in their normal school dress
This is Nick.  He came right up to me, held out his little hand and said, "Hi I'm from Tampa"!  Yes, he actually is from the U.S!

The photos above are students in Form 1 (they are about 7).
My small tour group and our tour guides.
A project by students in a design class for Euro Cup 2012!  They will enter this in a contest.  WOW!  Would you have the patience to design and build this?  Any engineering students want to try?
The school cafeteria with cups of tea and bread waiting for students.
Our tour guides Dima and Daria, Form 11 students who will graduate in May.
Football (soccer) field

The school newspaper
An English class.  Students wait until teacher tells them to sit and remain engaged until even after the bell rings!  This class was amazing!


  1. What are you teaching them in the classes? American or Ukraine things?
    Katilynn Brown

    1. Hi Katilynn,

      I am teaching them about the USA and Mercy.

  2. Hello Miss Harris! Did you show the kids Cynthia yet? What are the kids learning in class right now? Anything interesting? The classrooms and uniforms look very similar to ours. How long are the school days there? The kids who are our age, are they learning similar things as us? Nuclear Chemistry perhaps? Did they like the PowerPoint you made them? Enjoy the rest of your trip! -Maria Hls, Erin Biehl, Sydney Otis, Katie Ledermeier

    1. The students met Cynthia and, because they love puppet theatre, they used the 15 puppets I brought to them to ask Cynthia questions! I videoed the lesson and I'll show you when I return to Mercy!
      They do not teach very much science in Ukraine concentrating more on English and history. No, they do not learn nuclear chemistry but I hear that Mercy students are now experts in that particular field of study!

  3. You went expecting to find differences betweeen the US and Ukraine, for example education, religious and political freedom, family life, etc. We are also interested in the smiliarites you have observed in those areas as well.
    Katie Cosker, Emily Kurzahls, Molly Stowe and Madison Raleigh!

    1. Thanks for writing! I found many cultural differences but I did see one similarity. All teenagers worry about the same things and like the same things. These students are no different than you in that respect. One of the major differences is the respect they show their teachers! Yes, they stand until told to sit. They NEVER pack up before the bell and when the bell rings, they don't even flinch! They wait until the teacher dismisses them! If they are late, they stop at the door and ask permission to enter! And if they are being disruptive, the teacher quietly asks them to leave, they leave without discussion and return in a few minutes when they've calmed down. Can I expect the same behavior from you?! Much more when I return!

  4. Hi Ms.Harris,

    Are you having fun in Ukraine? Is where you are located, big or small? What's the history on the Ubiquitous well? And did you use it? Why is the Linen street the main street in Novoukrainka? What are the grade levels? What is the historical background on the millions that were starved to death by Stalin? How different was it teaching the Ukrainian students verses the students at Mercy?

    Tell the mayor we said HI!

    Sarah Wenke, Niah Cook, and Sarah Hale!

    1. Yes, I am having fun but I am also working very hard!
      I am in a small town just a little bigger than Westwood, I think. Not very certain of that.
      Ubiquitous means 'everywhere'. That is, there is a well in almost every yard and no I did not drink from the well. There is so much pollution here and damage from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion 26 years ago (yesterday) that bottled water is best for drinking.
      Lenin was the architect for socialism. Ask your social studies teacher to explain more about this or wait until I get home and I"ll give you a better explanation. Lenin had this idea of a perfect kind of society. Stalin took Lenin's idea and interpreted it in a very bad way and, as a result, millions of Ukrainians, Russians, and others died from starvation.
      I promise to tell you more when I return to Mercy!
